Tuesday, January 1, 2013

WinRunner Testing Questions

Explain WinRunner testing process.

Six main stages are involved in WinRunner testing process:

  1.    GUI Map File creation: By doing this we make GUI object available for the WinRunner test.
  2.    Generating Test Script: by recording, programming, or a combination of both.
  3.    Debugging Test: run tests in Debug mode to remove the errors in Test Script.
  4.    Run Tests: run tests in Verify mode to test application.
  5.    View Results: determines the status of test result, PASS or FAIL.
  6.    Report Defects: when status of test run is fail, then we can report information about the defect directly from the Test Results window.

What is contained in the GUI map?

GUI Map File stores the element identification properties extracted from the application during recording. ID will be generated for each element and this ID is used for Object identification in the application. GUI Map file acts as a repository for the application elements. GUI Map file contains two properties of each object for the identification:

    Physical name of the object :
    Logical name of the object:

How to perform debugging of the scripts?

Debugging of the test script can be performed in following steps:

1) To enable the script debugger, choose TOOL menus and select Script Debugger.
2) Run the test script
3) Choose from the following option:
A. Step over: execute the script one at a time.
B. Step In: execute the script one at a time.
C. Step Out:
D. Set next step:
E. Run/pause
F. Halt script:
G. Set/clear break point.
H. Edit script
I. Open close data viewer.
J. Authenticate/Deauthenticate Script.
4) Select Pause on error if you want scripts to pause when errors are encountered.

How does WinRunner recognize objects on the application?

WinRunner identifies the object on the identification properties of the object saved in the GUI Map file. These properties are:

    Physical name: like “save” for a save dialog box, or “OK” for an OK button
    Logical name: is the name given by WinRunner when adding an object into the repository. In most of the cases WinRunner takes the text which is attached with the object, work as the Logical name.

GUI Map contains the logical name and a physical description in respect to the each object in the application. WinRunner checks that there are no other objects in the GUI map with the same name.

How do you analyze results and report the defects?

After execution of test script WinRunner automatically generate the results in a report. The report summarizes all tasks which occurred during the execution of test script, like checkpoints, error messages. Tester read the reports and results to evaluate whether the expected results and actual results are matching or not. In case both are not matching then this is treated as a bug and this is locked in the bug report. This bug report can be send to the development team direct from the WinRunner interface by integrating mail option with the WinRunner.

What is logical name in WinRunner?

Logical name: is the name given by WinRunner when adding an object into the repository. Generally, the logical name can be the label that is displayed on object of the application. WinRunner ensure that there are no other objects with the same logical name in the GUI map.

How do you view the contents of the GUI map?

WinRunner provides us tool GUI Map Editor to edit and view the content of the GUI MAP. The GUI Editor is used to show the content which is stored in the GUI Map. We can start the GUI Map Editor from the Tools Menu in WinRunner. The GUI Map Editor displays the various GUI Map files create the objects learned in to them with their logical name and physical description while recording of the script.
What is the purpose of loading WinRunner Add-Ins?

Add-Ins: are small programs or files which can be added to computer in order to enhance the capabilities of the system. The purposes of loading Add-Ins into WinRunner are following:

    To increase capabilities of the system.
    To improve the graphics quality, communications interface.
    To load the particular function into the memory.
    To excess only those function which are required for the execution of the script.

Why WinRunner fails to identify an object on the GUI?

WinRunner fails to identify an object in a GUI due to following reasons:

  1. When Physical and Logical name of object is not matching with the GUI object of the repository.
  2. The object is not a standard windows object.
  3. When browser is incompatible with the WinRunner version.
  4. When browser is incompatible it cannot add any object in the GUI MAP, which leads to fail to identifying object.

What types of exception available in WinRunner?

There are following types of exception available in the WinRunner:

    Pop-Up Exceptions: it handles unexpected pop-ups during the execution.
    TSL Exceptions: it responds to specific error codes returned by WinRunner
    Object Exceptions: Handles unexpected changes occurring to the objects in AUT.
    UAE Exceptions: Handling situations as division by zero or null pointers using the function.

These Exceptions can be find in Tools Menu -> Exception Handling -> Select the Exception Type

How many recordings methods in WinRunner?
There ae two modes of recording in WinRunner:

    Context Sensitive: Context Sensitive mode records actions performed on the application being tested in terms of the GUI objects, like windows, buttons. In this recording mode, the location of the object in the screen doesn’t have any effect. When we perform an operation on the application to be tested, a script is generates know as Test Script Language (TSL). TSL tell us which object is selected and what operation is performed on it.
    Analog Context Sensitive: In Analog recording mode we can records mouse clicks and movement of mouse. It is used when application window position changes. When the test script is executing, WinRunner retraces the mouse movement. We use Analog recording mode when mouse movement is important, like when testing a drawing application or digital signature checking.

How to test Database using WinRunner?

We can test the database using WinRunner by the help of the Database checkpoints. These checkpoints can be inserted into the test script language (TSL) to examine the databases of application. By this we can easily trace out the defects which are present in the database. We can query on the database, to create a database checkpoint that evaluates the properties of the results of the query. There are two types of database checks can be done in WinRunner:

1. Default database check.
2. Custom database check.

Explain data parameterization in WinRunner.

It is the process of making use of different values in place of recorded values which is replaced by variable which contains different values that can be used during the execution of the scripts. It also reduces the size of the scripts. Parameterization is used when the values and the label of the window changes after every execution like we want to test the application in which order no is involved which is always incremented by 1. Then, in that case we use data parameterization.

When do you use Verify/Debug/Update Modes?

WinRunner provides three modes in which to run test:

• Verify: Use to compares the actual result and expected response. If the actual result is different from the expected result then this is captured and saved as verification result.
• Debug: Use the Debug mode to help you identify bugs in a test script. Verify mode and debug mode are same but the only differences between these two are debug results are always saved in the debug folder and only one set of debug results is stored.
• Update mode: It is used when we want to update or change the expected result.

How do you manually capture an Object using WinRunner?

We can manually add an object to a GUI map file by copying the description of another object, and then editing it as needed. To manually add an object to a GUI map file. We follow the following steps:

    Choose Tools > GUI Map Editor to open the GUI Map Editor.
    Choose View > GUI Files.
    Choose File > Open to open the appropriate GUI map file.
    Select the object to use as the basis for editing.
    Click Add to open the Add dialog box.

What is a data driven test in WinRunner?

Data Driven is an automation testing part in which test input or output values, these values are read from data files. It is performed when the values are changing by the time. The different data files may include data pools, csv files, Excel files. The data is then loaded into variables in recorded or manually coded scripts. In WinRunner to use data to drive the test, we use the parameterization process. When we do data-driven test, we perform two extra steps:

    Converting the test to a data-driven test.
    Creating a corresponding data table.

How can you integrate your automated scripts from TestDirector?

In WinRunner, we can save tests directly to your TestDirector database. When creating a test case with the TestDirector we can declare that our script is automated or manual. When script is automated then TestDirector creates a skeleton for the script which can be modified. TestDirector stores test and defect information in a project. We can create TestDirector projects in Microsoft Access, Oracle, Sybase, or Microsoft SQL. These projects store information related to the current testing project, such as tests, test run results, and reported defects. To access the project connect it to the Web server where TestDirector is installed. When WinRunner is connected to TestDirector we can save a test by associating it with the Test Plan Manager.

What is the different between GUI map and GUI map files?
The GUI map is group of one or more GUI map files. We can organize GUI map files in two ways:

    Global GUI Map file: a single GUI Map file for the entire application.
    GUI Map File per Test: WinRunner automatically creates a GUI Map file for each test created.

GUI Map file is a file which contains the GUI Objects and windows learned by the WinRunner while recording the testing script with the logical name and physical properties of the objects.

What different actions are performed by find and show button?
The differences between show and find button are following:

    Show button is used to show the object for selected name whereas find button is used to find the name for selected object.
    Show Button to show a particular object in the application, select the object and click the Show window. This Highlight the selected object whereas
    Find button gives the option to select the object. When the object is selected, if the object is present in the GUI repository it will be focused in the file.

How WinRunner handles varying window labels?

The Varying window labels problem can be solved by using the regular expressions. Regular expressions enable WinRunner to identify objects with varying names or titles. We can use regular expressions in Test Script Language statements. A regular expression is a string. Regular expression is followed by an exclamation mark. We use special characters such as a period (.), asterisk (*), caret (^), and brackets ([ ]), by this we can generate the conditions of the search. For example, the string “!hit.*” matches both “rohit” and “hit”.

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